AVLS - AVL in Sweden
AVLS stands for AVL in Sweden
Here you will find, what does AVLS stand for in Automotive under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate AVL in Sweden? AVL in Sweden can be abbreviated as AVLS What does AVLS stand for? AVLS stands for AVL in Sweden. What does AVL in Sweden mean?The Austria based company is located in Graz, Styria engaged in automotive industry.
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Alternative definitions of AVLS
- Automatic Vehicle Location Systems
- All Visual and Lights System
- Align Virtual Learning Solutions
- Automatic Volume Limiter System
- Automatic Volume Lititer System
View 6 other definitions of AVLS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- ADL Aarti Drugs Limited
- ASG Arcadia Settlements Group
- ACG Axiom Consulting Group
- APPL Asian Paints Pvt Ltd
- ABNC American Bank Note Company
- APCL Amazon Papyrus Chemicals Ltd
- AFS Accent Food Services
- APG Apex Parks Group
- ACC Adventure Christian Church
- AFMS Air Force Medical Service
- ADG Ambient Digital Group
- AMCP Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
- ADI American Dawn Inc.
- AA Achievement for All
- AEC Apollo Engineering College
- ACO Algol Chemicals Oy
- AMH Ageless Men's Health
- ASG Arrow Shipbroking Group
- ACPPL Athena Chhattisgarh Power Pvt Ltd